Buildings with multiple apartments running off the same services can create a challenge to find a leak within the system. Most leaks aren't easily detectable and it can take months if not years for them to prevent themselves in an obvious way. If your tenant doesn't notice this leak, they can start suffering from nasty side effects like mold and mildew building up, an increased water bill and the sound of water running through the night. Using a leak detection service to accurately locate a leak is a great way to avoid having a plumber spend hours or even days searching through the apartment looking for the leak.
Signs and Symptoms
Early detection with any water leak is key, as an unattended leak can cause huge amounts of damage to an apartment. Water that builds up behind walls and inside floors can start to develop mold, rotting away the timber and causing structural weaknesses as well as potential health risks. Tenants may become aware of a foul odor that continues to develop or yellowing in patches of the walls or ceilings, these are all telltale signs of a slow water leak that has started to spread. Ensuring these are addressed immediately is important for the health of your tenants and the safety of your investment.
If a leak has been noticed but the location of it isn't obvious, an inspection is required to help locate it. Without the use of specialist leak detection tools, it can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, there are so many hidden places it could be that there's no telling how long a plumber could spend looking for it. Rather than spending thousands of dollar on just finding the leak before even having it repaired, having one of the technicians from Folsom Leak Detection is a great way to save yourself the headache and costs of hunting down the leak.
The process of locating the leak itself is actually quite simple thanks to our state of the art detection technology. Sensors are attached to the water pipes that help locate how far down the pipe the leak is occurring. Our systems are extremely accurate and can help pinpoint exactly where the leak is, which is important when demolition may be required to get to the section of pipe that needs repairing, You don't want to have to start pulling open walls in areas that you don't need to. Once our system locates the exact point that the leak is, it's then possible to start repairing it straight away.
Damage Prevention
Every burst water pipe once began as a small leak in a pipe, developing over a period of time to allow much more water to pass through. A small leak can cause mold and rot in the timber and walls, but a burst pipe can quickly cause huge amounts of damage from severe flooding. Catching a small leak in a pipe before it has time to get worse and cause more damage is a win, saving you potentially thousands or even millions of dollars of damage that can be caused by a water leak within an apartment building complex. We also offer commercial leak detection service.
If you've started to notice a strange smell, or maybe your pool is needing refilling more than usual, you may be suffering from a water leak somewhere in your home. Our experienced customer service team can work with you to discuss the possibilities and explain how our service works so we can help you in discovering any leaks that can be affecting your home.